
About ME!!!!!!! firstly this is my first time creating a blog so i'm like a kid who is learning to take steps in blogging

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The CIP trip to Fort Canning Park !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From my opinion the trip to Fort Canning Park
 was actually cool!!!!!!!!!!!!  There was sooooo
many things we learnt at the spice garden. Our 
guide's name is Miss Nurul. Miss Nurul was
the kindest Guide in the world. My Group
Snowboarding is the best group in the whole world !!!!!!!!!!! We got all our
plants in three minutes tooooooo!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The funniest thing that ever happened to me ..........

The funniest thing that ever happened to my family is that..... One day I was visiting the Temple with my family, to give our offerings to God. We were buying  incense sticks while my mother was standing under a tree. At that instance a bird pooed on my mothers hair. She screamed and jumped in disbelief. By looking at her facial expression we couldn't control our laughter but we quickly helped her in washing her hair. Till date we remind her and laugh whenever we go to the temple. If only my mother moved away quickly, the poo wouldn't have dropped on her hair.